What is a dental implant and why is it the best replacement for a lost tooth?
A dental implant is a titanium screw that is placed into the jawbone and fuses with it, serving as a replacement for the root of a lost or missing tooth. Dental implants are stronger and more durable than their predecessors (bridges and den
Proper tooth brushing and oral hygiene
Tooth brushing is the primary measure in the fight against cavities. Regular and proper tooth brushing is the only way to prevent both cavities and gum disease. By brushing your teeth, you remove food residues, plaque, and bacteria from the
Teeth health in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a period when special attention should be given to oral hygiene and the health of teeth and gums. Read more about the most common dental issues during pregnancy and their causes. It is very important to visit a dentist before p
Teeth whitening – questions and answers
What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is a procedure that removes various discolorations from the surface of the teeth, making their color whiter. Whitening is one of the most popular procedures in dentistry and can significantly enhance
Oral hygiene – why is it so important?
More than half of adults have some form of periodontal disease, and for three-quarters of people over the age of 35, periodontitis is the main cause of tooth loss, followed by cavities. The best way to prevent both of these diseases is prop
Bruxism, teeth grinding or clenching
An increasing number of young people are coming to us with this issue. Bruxism is a complex problem that causes tooth wear. Over time, the teeth wear down more and more, the problem is often ignored, and we frequently encounter situations w
Root canal treatment
Razlog najvećeg broja poseta stomatologu jeste lečenje kanala korena zuba. Kako su prve asocijacije na ovu boljku bol i neprijatnost, neretko se odlazak kod stomatologa odlaže, što svakako dovodi do pogoršanja stanja. Međutim, razvoj
Laser in dentistry and its application
The continuous advancement of technology and innovation in finding the most effective treatment methods have led to the increasing use of lasers in dentistry as well as in other branches of medicine. In recent years, dental lasers have beco
Pulpotomy and BIOLASE laser in dentistry
When is pulpotomy or pulpectomy (“Nerve removal”) needed? Most people have probably heard of so-called “nerve removal,” and for many, these words evoke a certain fear. Although it may not sound like the most pleasant
Everything you wanted to know about frenulum removal and frenectomy
What is a frenulum? Frenulums are small tissue folds in the oral cavity, commonly known as “bands.” Their function is to limit excessive movement, and they are a completely normal anatomical feature that everyone has. However, i