Everything you need to know about implants
Regardless of how many teeth you are missing, a dental implant will successfully replace them. In cases where a single tooth is being replaced, a dental implant placed in the location of the natural tooth, along with a crown attached to it,
Modern methods of teeth straightening
A beautiful smile and healthy teeth are among the key features that enhance facial aesthetics. Therefore, if you care about your appearance and overall health, it is essential to visit your dentist regularly. If you are unhappy with the ali
How is herpes treated?
How to treat cold sores? Most people have experienced a cold sore at least once in their life, and it always seems to appear at the worst possible moment—just before an important event. Those who frequently deal with this issue can often
Tooth fairy day – pediatric dentistry
Together with our youngest patients, we celebrate International Tooth Fairy Day on February 28. Tooth Fairy Day is also observed on August 22. Teething and Baby Teeth – Helping Your Child Overcome Fear For children, losing baby teeth can
White chalky spots on teeth
Many people have beautiful smiles that are affected by white chalky spots on their teeth. In the past, the only options were either to discourage patients from removing them or to use techniques that required reducing tooth structure. Howev
Root Canal Treatment with Advanced Technology
Have you ever heard the term “nerve extraction”? This unsettling phrase, which evokes a deep-seated fear of dental procedures, actually refers to the treatment of an infected tooth. Root canal treatment, or what is commonly call
Zirconia-based metal-free crowns and bridges
Zirconia all-ceramic crowns and bridges are used to replace missing teeth, strengthen endodontically treated teeth, or restore the function of broken teeth. These restorations can significantly enhance the aesthetics of a smile. Irregular t
Black Triangle – triangular gaps between teeth
Black triangular gaps between teeth occur due to gingival recession, which is the result of bone and soft tissue loss. This is a significant aesthetic concern, especially in the visible region of the smile. A beautiful smile is unimaginable
Baby teeth
When do the first baby teeth emerge? The first teeth (baby teeth) begin to grow around the 6th month of life and continue growing until about the age of 3. Some babies get their first tooth at three months, while others may get theirs at ei
Fissure sealing as a prevention of cavities
Fissure sealing is a very effective method for preventing cavities in the molar teeth. It is recommended to apply this preventive measure to both primary (milk) and permanent teeth. Procedure for preparing the tooth for fissure sealing The