Teeth whitening – questions and answers
What is teeth whitening?
Teeth whitening is a procedure that removes various discolorations from the surface of the teeth, making their color whiter. Whitening is one of the most popular procedures in dentistry and can significantly enhance appearance.
What causes tooth discoloration?
Depending on localization and etiology, discolorations can be classified as exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous discolorations are caused by consuming pigmented foods and drinks (coffee, tea, cola), tar from smoking, and similar factors. Endogenous discolorations occur within the enamel and dentin and are further divided into pre-eruptive (endemic fluorosis, dentinogenesis and amelogenesis imperfecta, tetracycline staining) and post-eruptive (trauma, endodontic treatment).
Is teeth whitening harmful?
No! Many studies have shown that this minimally invasive dental procedure—teeth whitening—is not harmful, especially when performed under a dentist’s supervision. Modern whitening products contain fluoride, which helps remineralize and protect teeth from cavities. The American Dental Association has stated: “Dentist-recommended whitening procedures performed at home with reputable products and under professional supervision over a relatively short period are absolutely safe and effective.”
How do whitening agents work?
Whitening agents are based on carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. These substances can be used on both vital and non-vital teeth. The mechanism of action is oxidation. In both cases, the active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide, which breaks down into free radicals that react with chromogenic unsaturated organic substances, altering their molecular structure. This process produces smaller molecules that reflect less light, creating a whitening effect. Our clinic uses globally recognized NiteWhite whitening products.

How are teeth whitened?
We recommend that both dental arches are not whitened simultaneously if the patient wants to observe the real effects of the whitening process. Whitening one arch typically takes around ten days. Although this technique is relatively simple and more affordable than laser whitening, the results develop gradually and last for a long time. During the whitening process, it is necessary to abstain from smoking and consuming pigmented beverages (coffee, tea, cola, red wine, etc.). After whitening and stabilizing the tooth color, all visible fillings on the front teeth should be replaced if present, as their color will no longer match the newly whitened teeth.
Are there any side effects?
The most common side effect of teeth whitening is temporary tooth sensitivity to different stimuli (cold and sweet foods), which occurs in about 50% of patients. In such cases, we advise reducing the frequency of wearing the application tray (instead of every night, every other night), lowering the concentration of the whitening gel, and using products designed to reduce tooth sensitivity. This effect is always temporary.
How long do whitening results last?
The longevity of whitening results is highly individual! We advise patients to avoid smoking, pigmented foods, coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks after whitening. The whitening process can be repeated every 6–12 months or as needed, so we emphasize the importance of keeping the provided trays for future touch-ups.
Who should not undergo teeth whitening?
Whitening is contraindicated in cases of severe systemic diseases (immunocompromised individuals, AIDS, uncontrolled diabetes, periodontal disease, pregnancy, and breastfeeding).