All Ceramic Crowns (Covers)

All Ceramic Crowns (Covers)

The contemporary aesthetic dentistry cannot be imagined without the use of non-metallic ceramic crowns (covers) in the prosthetic rehabilitation of your teeth. Unlike the classic metallo-ceramic crowns made of metal alloys as the basis i.e. a frame onto which ceramic is applied, non-metallic crowns do not contain “black metal “as the basis, what contributes to the superb aesthetic performance that these crowns provide. The advantages of the non-metallic ceramics are characterized by its excellent esthetics, provided by the absolute natural character of the compensation in terms of color, light permeability and forms, computer precision in manufacture, easy cleaning of the teeth and surrounding tissue, reduced irritation of gums, avoiding the use of metals and the elimination of the risk of subsequent appearing of the metal crowns caused by the withdrawal of the gum edge, gracefullness of the compensation and a greater comfort to the patient … The absence of a “grey edge” above the crown and the possibility of achieving a impression of ”livelines” of the crown are just some of the advantages provided by the non-metallic ceramics.

all ceramic crownsBeside crowns it is possible to make non-metallic bridges, and even non-metallic crowns on implants. All prosthetic works are made in collaboration with a modern dental laboratoriry in Belgrade, so providing the quality assurance even for those demanding and nost complicated cases.